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Thursday, March 20, 2008

2008 Supported Riders - Are you ready?

As with our Team Riders we also highlight races and events that our supported riders hit! You can check their blogs and read up on the news from their front.

Team Addictive - Awww...come on - if you don't know them you haven't been paying attention! They'll be riding and racing a mix of Jabberwocky and Bandersnatch. Team Addictive also provides neutral support at many races in the southeast. I'm sure you can usually find one of them around. You can read up on their schedules and rides through Cody or Hodge! Thanks guys - you're awesome!

Team Halfway There - our military force coming from DC and Virginia. They're like ninjas in the night - come in for a race and then shipped back out for a few weeks only to come back and race again! We love the secrecy!

Steve and Zach Stilwell out of Minnesota have been hanging out with us for a while. Steve recently upgraded to an Optimus Ti which will soon arrive at his door and Zach Stilwell still riding the Jabberwocky at his cross races will be receiving a much deserved Fisticuff cross frame! Congrats guys!

Ben Shockey out of Decorah Bicycles in Iowa is our newest support rider. Once he climbed aboard we didn't let him go. He's been out there racing and riding up a storm through the snow and rain. You can check Ben out at the Trans Iowa - he will be riding the first ever Fisticuff cross frame in a special powdercoat color custom created just for him. Kick ass Ben!

Jeremy Arnold out of North Carolina who recently led a band of Canadians around the trails of Pisgah and Dupont has been with us for more than a year. Still riding his Jabberwocky and Bandersnatch Jeremy is heading out for the race course of the southeast. First stop is Dragon's Back in Roanoke Virginia.

Chris Davis also out of North Carolina who joined us last April is continuing his quest of races throughout the southeast. Chris owns a carnation pink Bandersnatch and a Black Jabberwocky and is currently moving to the ODIS rigid fork. Chris will be with his brothers on steel at the Dragon's Back and Cohutta 100.

Congrats everyone - we're looking forward to the season.